Anal fissures are painful tears in the skin of the anus. While they can be uncomfortable and painful, they are relatively common and can often be treated with simple dietary and lifestyle changes. In this blog, Dr.

If you suffer from piles, also known as hemorrhoids, then you know how uncomfortable and painful they can be. While medications can help to reduce symptoms, making dietary changes can also aid in reducing symptoms and improving

Eating a healthy diet rich in high-fiber whole foods can help to treat and prevent piles by preventing constipation.How does fibers prevent constipation?One requires both fibers soluble & insoluble. Insoluble fibers (rich sources are vegetable & fruits)

Do you suffer from or have suffered from hemorrhoids, constipation and other anorectal disease? Research shows that squatting, rather than sitting, during bowel movements makes defecation easier and more efficient with less straining.Most of us know proper