Fistula Treatment in Pune

Fistula Treatment in Pune

Fistula In Ano

An anal fistula or Fistula in ano is a small channel that develops between the end of the bowel and the skin around the anus. It frequently is the result of a previous or current anal abscess. Fistula has a tract with two openings – Internal opening into the rectum or anal canal and External opening through the skin of the buttocks.

Different Types of Anal Fistula?
  • Perianal fistula – It is the most common type that occurs between the skin and anus.
  • Intersphincteric fistula – The tunnel (fistula) starts between the internal and external sphincter muscles and opens to the anus.
  • Transsphincteric fistula – Also known as horseshoe fistula, this is a type that starts between the inner and outer layer of the sphincter muscle, crosses the external muscle, and opens an inch or two before the anus.
  • Extrasphincteruc fistula – This is among the least occurring of all the types of anal fistula. It begins at the rectum and has an exit around the anus.

Causes Of Fistula In Ano

  • Crohn’s disease – It is a condition that causes inflammatory bowel disease. Crohn’s disease stays lifelong, where the digestive system becomes inflamed. The symptoms include diarrhea, stomach cramps, loss of weight, etc. Oral treatment for reducing inflammation can relieve the pain, but surgery is a better treatment option above all.
  • Tuberculosis or sexually transmitted disorder like HIV causes anal fistula.
  • Diverticulitis – The condition where small pouches of the digestive tract sell and protrude out from the sides of the colon. Sharp pain in the stomach, fever, chills, nausea, are common symptoms that are observed.
  • Any complicated surgery surrounding the anus can cause an anal fistula.

Symptoms of Anal Fistula

  • Irritation around the anus.
  • Consistent pain that worsens when you sit down, move, cough, or during the passing of stool.
  • Foul-smelling discharge from the pus found around the abscess.
  • While exciting blood passes with the stool.
  • Inflammation around the anus that turns red.
  • Increase in body temperature due to the swelling.
  • Loose motion in some cases or bowel incontinence.
  • Painful urination.

How is Anal Fistula Diagnosed?

As the symptoms of an anal fistula are common and can be misleading to other diseases, the patient’s past surgical history is taken into consideration, especially when the surgery took place in or near the anal region.

  • Physical examination of the rectum is performed to look for any swelling, or oozing fluid.
  • MRI and CT Scan – These scanning procedures give a digital image of the internal part of the anus, which is not visible to the naked eye.
  • Colonoscopy – For this test, you will be given anaesthesia, and the procedure is performed after that. A tube having a camera on one end is moved inside the anus to get a clear look at the bowel.

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