Laser Fistula Treatment in Pune
- Laser Fistula Treatment in Pune

LASER in Perianal Diseases
Hemorrhoids/ Piles Treatment Piles are dilated ‘bunch’ of veins in the lower anal canal. Though Piles (Haemorrhoids) is one of the most common diseases afflicting human race yet the satisfactory treatment of this disease was largely unavailable for most of the times. Due to absence of single convincing treatment, the number of treatment options available today exceeds the number of myths surrounding the disease.
So this should be start from like :- Hemorrhoids normally, comes during the pregnancy and after childbirth, It can become swell Hemorrhoids are very common, especially during pregnancy and after childbirth.
Doctors classify piles into three types:- First-degree piles are swollen cushions that always remain within in the anal canal; these are painless.
Second-degree piles are pushed down (prolapsed) when faeces are passed, but return to their starting position afterwards.
Third-degree piles are pushed down (prolapsed) when faeces are passed, or come down at other times. They do not go back by themselves after faeces have been passed.
Hemorrhoids normally, comes during the pregnancy and after childbirth, It can become swell Hemorrhoids are very common, especially during pregnancy and after childbirth. They result from increased pressure in the veins of the anus. The pressure causes the veins to swell, making them painful, particularly when you are sitting.
Caused of Piles (Haemorrhoids) Disease? Main cause of Piles. Pushing hard to pass stools puts a strain on the veins in the anal canal which eventually dilate and enlarge to form ‘piles’. Piles are more common in women during pregnancy and childbirth and there is some evidence that piles run in families.
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- Sr. 353, Emerald Building, Parandwadi Road, Somatane Phata, Pune
- +91 77698 81188