Neurofibromatosis Treatment Doctors in Pun

Best Neurofibromatosis Treatment Doctors in Pune Dr. Sandhya Bade


A neurofibroma is a benign tumor that develops along your nerve cells. This tumor is a symptom of a group of rare, inherited conditions called neurofibromatosis. People born with neurofibromatosis may have tumors on their skin, under their skin or deeper in their bodies. Most neurofibromas don’t cause medical problems. Some larger neurofibromas can affect many nerves and cause serious medical issues. Healthcare providers treat neurofibromas with surgery.

Symptoms of neurofibroma

Neurofibroma symptoms vary depending on the tumor type, size and location. Some people who have neurofibromas may never have symptoms. But sometimes, neurofibromas can cause serious medical issues such as paralysis or blindness. Here’s information about neurofibroma types and related symptoms:

  • Localized neurofibromas: Localized neurofibromas are called cutaneous neurofibromas. These are small lumps that can appear all over people’s bodies. These tumors typically affect people aged 20 to 40. Neurofibromas may itch and can hurt if you press on them.
  • Diffuse neurofibromas: This is another cutaneous neurofibroma type. This tumor usually appears on people’s heads and necks, causing a raised area of thickened skin that may tingle or feel numb when touched.
  • Plexiform neurofibromas: This type of neurofibroma grows on groups of nerves. Plexiform neurofibromas often affect children who have neurofibromatosis Type 1. These tumors can grow over time, becoming very large lumps on children’s skin or under their skin. Symptoms may include paralysis, weakness or numbness from pressure on their spinal cord or peripheral nerves. Some children who have plexiform neurofibromas develop scoliosis caused by tumors pressing into their spines.

What do Neurofibroma look like

Neurofibromas that develop on or under your skin look very different from plexiform neurofibromas that can develop deeper in your body. Neurofibromas can look like:

  • Localized neurofibromas (cutaneous neurofibromas): These are flesh-colored nodules that typically appear on people’s trunks, heads, necks, arms and legs. These tumors are about the size of a pea. They’re soft and squishy — when you push on a localized neurofibroma, it’ll sink into your skin, popping up after you stop pushing on it. Healthcare providers call this the buttonhole sign.
  • Diffuse neurofibromas: A diffuse neurofibroma may look like a raised area of reddish-colored skin.
  • Plexiform neurofibromas: These tumors can look like large lumps of flesh that push out from your body. Healthcare providers describe these tumors as looking like a bag of worms under the skin.

Causes of Neurofibroma

Neurofibromas are a symptom of neurofibromatosis (NF1) that’s caused when a gene called the NF1 gene mutates or changes. The NF1 gene carries instructions for making a protein called neurofibromin. Neurofibromin is a tumor suppressor protein that normally prevents cells from growing or dividing too quickly or uncontrollably. It does that by managing a protein called a ras protein that supports cell growth and division. When the NF1 gene mutates, it stops blocking cell growth, paving the way for cells to multiply and become tumors.

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